Hello! I’m looking for some co-moderators to help me keep things rolling in the writers and fans groups for the Movie Fanfic Chains website. As of now, there aren’t too many tasks the co-moderator will be doing, but the list may grow a bit. Below is a list of some of the things that would be expected of you. I will be performing some of these tasks as well when I am online:

Note: You do not have to be one of the writers to be a co-moderator. Some of the perks of being a co-moderator of a writer’s group is that you are one of the first to see new entries to a Chain Story and also get to read and join in the plot discussions.

1. Update and send out the writing schedule about once a day. There is already a format writing schedule which shows the list of writers, how many entries they have made to the chain story, and a week’s worth of dates. You will need to update the schedule by adding in the writers who have booked a date and writing time, updating their number of entries, etc. Very simple.

2. Check over the new entries for spelling and grammatical errors and correct them. Also make sure that new entries do not contradict with previous entries. If there are any contradictions, the writer will have to be contacted and made aware so that they can make corrections. This must be done tactfully (i.e. in a way the that the writer doesn’t feel like you’re attacking him/her) so as to avoid confrontations or bad feelings that would lead to the writer leaving the group or going into lurk mode.

3. Keep track of the last time each person wrote. You will need to contact those who have not added to the story in over a month to determine if they joined under false pretenses to get new entries before anybody else, if they’ve lost interest, or if they have been really busy. Keep notes of their reasons for their absence. I already have a spreadsheet that I will e-mail to you as well as a format e-mail letter.

4. When a title has gotten at least 5 writers, it will need to go into the three steps of launching. First step, we need to get all the writers to submit as many plot ideas as they can think of for the Chain Story. You would also need to sign up at the MFC Forum (if not already) and use the Suggest a Plot section to see if you can get members of the forum to participate in submitting plots. You will need to get in contact with the co-moderator of the fan group and get them to send out an e-mail requesting the fans submit any and all plot ideas they may have. After we receive several plot ideas, we start step two. You will need to send out the format e-mail with the list of plot ideas that asks all writers to vote for their top two favorites. Keep track of the voting and contact those who haven’t voted. After everyone has voted, we take step three, which is to announce the winning plot idea and to start sending out the writing schedule.

5. You will need to keep in contact with the co-moderator of the fan group to give them updates on the Chain Story, etc., so that they can notify the fans and encourage them to read and review. You will also need to encourage the writers to go review their fellow member’s additions to show support.

6. There will be other small random tasks, some of which will be optional but would be very much appreciated, such as getting word out about the site and contacting writers from other websites to tell them about Movie Fanfic Chains. I have a format letter for that as well and will give you tips on how to find people to contact and the proper way of contacting them in a non-spamming way.

See the instructions below the Fan Groups list on how to contact me if you’re interesting in applying for a co-moderator position.

Note: This is a very simple co-moderator job. Some other tasks may be added later.

1. All fan groups are at MSN, therefore, you must have an MSN ID. It is free and easy to sign up for one. Go to http://groups.msn.com/ and click on the small “Sign In .net” button at the top of the page. Click on “Create a .net passport” and take it from there.

2. You will need to communicate with the co-moderator of the writer group for the title you are co-moderating. Keep the fans updated on the status of the Chain Story. This includes letting them know when the 5 minimum writers have been reached, asking fans to submit any and all plot ideas they may have, letting them know when the Chain Story has officially been launched (this will be after the writers have voted on plot ideas), and letting them know when new additions have been made to the story.

3. Each time an addition is made to the Chain Story of your group’s movie title, encourage the fans to read and review each new addition that is made to the Chain Story, which will be posted at fanfiction.net.

4. Consistently check the Updates over at the MFC Forum and inform the fans of any individual fanfics that have been posted or updated on the website for the movie title of the fan group. I might set up a group for all the moderators to let them know when updates have been made.

5. Get some conversations started regarding the movie title you co-moderate.

That’s all for the fan group co-moderator job so far, but as I stated above, more tasks may be added at a later date.

If you are interested in being a co-moderator for one or more of the writer and/or fan groups, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with your answers to the below questions:

1. Do you understand the above instructions and will you be able to perform all tasks listed as well as the possibility of a few others being added in the future?

2. Which group or groups are you interested in co-moderating? Be sure to let me know if you are referring to a writers group, fan group, or both for each title you mention. You can be co-moderator for as many groups as you’d like, as long as you can handle the responsibilities. Go to the home page at www.moviefanficchains.com to see a list of all the titles, or you may request to have a title added.

3. Approximately how much time (approx. days per week and hours per week) will you be able to dedicate to the group or groups you would like to co-moderate? What days of the week are you mostly available to be online? (Sun., Mon., Tues., etc.)

4. Do you have a good/positive attitude and are able to avoid (i.e. tactfulness) or solve any confrontations that may arise?

5. Are you okay with taking instructions and being given advise on how you can improve your job as co-moderator? No worries, you’d only be taking instructions and/or advice from one person, me, and I’m ridiculously nice. :)

6. Do you have a Yahoo ID or MSN ID? As stated in the Fan Groups list, you must have an MSN ID to be co-moderator of a fan group. However, the Yahoo groups allow anybody to join their groups, so a Yahoo ID is not required.

7. Tell me a little about yourself and why you are interested in being a co-moderator for the group or groups you’ve listed in question 2.

And that’s all! I will review each co-moderator application that is submitted and will get back to you as soon as I can, whether you are selected or not. Please do not feel bad if you are not selected. Also, you may not be selected for all the groups you request to join as someone who may have submitted an application before you may already have gotten the job. However, I will keep a list of all applicants and their e-mail addresses in the event one or more of the positions you requested receives an opening.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you all! Contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.